Archive for January 2017

Legend of the Seeded Bun (to the tune of House of the Rising Sun)

January 3, 2017

There is a loaf with sesame

They call the seeded bun

And its been the legend of many a burger

Left rare, or cooked well done.


You might get by with pita

Could hold your meat with rye

But those who claim its all the same

Are feeding you a lie.


Now the only bread that might come close

Is the onioned bagel bun

And the problem is the small onion bits

Will smell weird in the sun.


So fluffy, and so rounded

With some seeds for added crunch

Have to ask for it specially

At the front when you order lunch.


Well you better keep an eye out

For seed buns in the store

Or else at picnics you’ll be stuck

With bread inferior.


Yeah, there is a loaf with sesame

They call the seeded bun

And its been the legend of many a burger

Left rare, or cooked well done.